A directive for including a GMT plot in a Sphinx document.
The ``gmtplot`` directive supports the following options:
show-code : bool
Whether to display the source code. The default can be changed using the
``gmtplot_show_code`` variable in ``conf.py``.
language : {'python', 'bash'}
Specify the language of the source code. The default can be changed using the
`highlight_language` variable in conf.py.
caption : str
Caption of the rendered figure.
Additionally, this directive supports options of the ``figure`` and ``literalinclude``
Configuration options
The following options can be set in ``conf.py`` and will apply globally:
gmtplot_show_code : bool
Default value for the ``show-code`` option.
gmtplot_basedir : str
Base directory, to which ``gmtplot`` file names are relative to. If None or
empty, file names are relative to the directory where the file containing the
directive is. However, if it is absolute (starting with ``/``), it is relative
to the top source directory.
import os
import sys
import ast
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
import jinja2
{%- if show_code -%}
.. literalinclude:: {{ code }}
{% for option in code_opts -%}
{{ option }}
{% endfor %}
{%- else %}
:download:`Source Code <{{ code }}>`
{%- endif %}
.. figure:: {{ image }}
{% for option in image_opts -%}
{{ option }}
{% endfor %}
{{ caption }}
def _option_language(arg):
"""Check language option."""
return directives.choice(arg, ("bash", "python"))
def _option_boolean(arg):
# pylint: disable=no-else-return
"""Check boolean options."""
if not arg or not arg.strip(): # no argument given, assume used as a flag
return True
elif arg.strip().lower() in ("no", "0", "false"):
return False
elif arg.strip().lower() in ("yes", "1", "true"):
return True
raise ValueError('"{}" unknown boolean'.format(arg))
def _option_align(arg):
"""Check align option."""
return directives.choice(
arg, ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center", "right")
def _set_gmt_datadir(cwd):
"""Set evirionment variable GMT_DATADIR so that script can access
its data files.
old_gmt_datadir : str
Previous value of GMT_DATADIR.
old_gmt_datadir = os.environ.get("GMT_DATADIR")
if old_gmt_datadir:
sep = ";" if sys.platform == "win32" else ":"
os.environ["GMT_DATADIR"] = str(cwd) + sep + os.environ["GMT_DATADIR"]
os.environ["GMT_DATADIR"] = str(cwd)
return old_gmt_datadir
def _reset_gmt_datadir(old_gmt_datadir):
"""Reset environment variable GMT_DATADIR to its old value."""
if old_gmt_datadir:
os.environ["GMT_DATADIR"] = old_gmt_datadir
del os.environ["GMT_DATADIR"]
def _search_images(cwd):
# pylint: disable=no-else-return,no-else-raise
Search images in PNG and PDF format in a specified directory.
If .png and .pdf files are not found and .ps file is found, then
convert .ps file to PNG and PDF format.
cwd = Path(cwd)
png_images = list(cwd.glob("*.png"))
if len(png_images) > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one figure generated in one GMT plot.")
elif len(png_images) == 1:
pdf_images = list(cwd.glob("*.pdf"))
if len(pdf_images) == 1:
return [png_images[0], pdf_images[0]]
return [png_images[0]]
else: # no PNG found
ps_images = list(cwd.glob("*.ps"))
if len(ps_images) > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one figure generated in one GMT plot.")
elif len(ps_images) == 1: # PS found
cmd = "gmt psconvert -A -P -T{} {}"
subprocess.run(cmd.format("g", ps_images[0]), shell=True, check=False)
subprocess.run(cmd.format("f", ps_images[0]), shell=True, check=False)
png_images = list(cwd.glob("*.png"))
pdf_images = list(cwd.glob("*.pdf"))
if len(png_images) == 1 and len(pdf_images) == 1:
return [png_images[0], pdf_images[0]]
return []
else: # No PNG and PS found
return []
[docs]def eval_bash(code, code_dir, output_dir, output_base):
Execute a multi-line block of bash code and copy the generated image files
to specified output directory.
# Change "gmt end show" to "gmt end" to avoid displaying figures
lines = code.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.split() == ["gmt", "end", "show"]:
lines[i] = "gmt end"
code = "\n".join(lines)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
Path(tmpdir, "script.sh").write_text(code, encoding="utf-8")
old_gmt_datadir = _set_gmt_datadir(code_dir)
proc = subprocess.run(
"bash {}".format(Path(tmpdir, "script.sh")),
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"GMT bash failed:\nSTDOUT: {}\nSTDERR: {}".format(
proc.stdout.decode("utf-8"), proc.stderr.decode("utf-8")
for image in _search_images(tmpdir):
shutil.move(image, Path(output_dir, output_base).with_suffix(image.suffix))
return output_base + ".*"
class _CatchDisplay: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"Class to temporarily catch sys.displayhook"
def __init__(self):
self.output = None
def __enter__(self):
self.old_hook = sys.displayhook
sys.displayhook = self
return self
def __exit__(self, dtype, value, traceback):
sys.displayhook = self.old_hook
# Returning False will cause exceptions to propagate
return False
def __call__(self, output):
self.output = output
[docs]def eval_python(code, code_dir, output_dir, output_base, filename="<string>"):
# pylint: disable=exec-used
Execute a multi-line block of Python code and copy the generated image files
to specified output directory.
tree = ast.parse(code, filename="<ast>", mode="exec")
if (
isinstance(tree.body[-1], ast.Expr) and tree.body[-1].value.func.attr == "show"
): # last statement is `fig.show()` in pygmt
to_exec, to_eval = tree.body[:-1], tree.body[-1:]
to_exec, to_eval = tree.body, []
cwd = os.getcwd()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
old_gmt_datadir = _set_gmt_datadir(code_dir)
for node in to_exec:
exec(compile(ast.Module([node]), filename=filename, mode="exec"))
images = _search_images(tmpdir)
if images:
for image in images:
image, Path(output_dir, output_base).with_suffix(image.suffix)
catch_display = _CatchDisplay()
with catch_display:
for node in to_eval:
ast.Interactive([node]), filename=filename, mode="single"
Path(output_dir, output_base).with_suffix(".png").write_bytes(
return output_base + ".*"
[docs]def guess_language(filename):
# pylint: disable=no-else-return
"""Guess language from suffix of the script."""
suffix = Path(filename).suffix
if suffix in [".sh", ".bash"]:
return "bash"
elif suffix == ".py":
return "python"
raise ValueError("Cannot guess language from {}".format(filename))
[docs]def get_suffix_from_language(language):
"""Determine suffix from language."""
if language == "bash":
suffix = "sh"
elif language == "python":
suffix = "py"
return suffix
[docs]class GMTPlotDirective(Directive):
The gmtplot directive implementation.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 1
final_argument_whitespace = False
# options list of literalinclude directive
options_code = {
"dedent": int,
"linenos": directives.flag,
"lineno-start": int,
"lineno-match": directives.flag,
"tab-width": int,
"language": _option_language,
"encoding": directives.encoding,
"lines": directives.unchanged_required,
"start-after": directives.unchanged_required,
"end-before": directives.unchanged_required,
"start-at": directives.unchanged_required,
"end-at": directives.unchanged_required,
"prepend": directives.unchanged_required,
"append": directives.unchanged_required,
"emphasize-lines": directives.unchanged_required,
"name": directives.unchanged,
# options list of figure directive
options_figure = {
"alt": directives.unchanged,
"height": directives.length_or_unitless,
"width": directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless,
"scale": directives.nonnegative_int,
"align": _option_align,
"class": directives.class_option,
option_spec = {
"show-code": _option_boolean,
"caption": directives.unchanged,
def run(self):
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
document = self.state_machine.document
env = self.state_machine.document.settings.env
config = self.state_machine.document.settings.env.config
# set options to default values if not specified
self.options.setdefault("show-code", config.gmtplot_show_code)
self.options.setdefault("align", config.gmtplot_figure_align)
# Get the name of the rst source file we are currently processing
rst_file = Path(document["source"])
# current working directory of the rst source file
cwd = rst_file.parent
counter = env.new_serialno("gmtplot")
output_base = "{}-gmtplot-{}".format(rst_file.stem, counter)
caption = ""
if self.arguments: # load codes from a file
# Guess language from suffix of the script
if "language" not in self.options:
self.options["language"] = guess_language(self.arguments[0])
# Get absolute path of the script
if config.gmtplot_basedir: # relative to gmtplot_basedir
code_file = Path(
env.app.srcdir, config.gmtplot_basedir, self.arguments[0]
elif self.arguments[0].startswith("/"): # relative to source directory
code_file = Path(env.app.srcdir, self.arguments[0][1:])
else: # relative to current rst file's path
code_file = Path(cwd, self.arguments[0])
code_file = code_file.absolute()
code_basedir = code_file.parent
code = code_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
# If there is content, it will be passed as a caption.
caption = "\n".join(self.content)
else: # inline codes
self.options.setdefault("language", config.highlight_language)
code_basedir = cwd
code = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(map(str, self.content)))
if "caption" in self.options:
caption = self.options["caption"]
# determine unique code filename under current working directory
suffix = get_suffix_from_language(self.options["language"])
code_file = Path(cwd, "{}.{}".format(output_base, suffix))
if self.options["show-code"]:
code_opts = []
for key, val in self.options.items():
if key == "linenos":
elif key in self.options_code.keys():
code_opts.append(":{}: {}".format(key, val))
code_opts = ""
image_opts = [
":{}: {}".format(key, val)
for key, val in self.options.items()
if key in self.options_figure.keys()
# builddir: where to place output files (temporarily)
builddir = (
/ "gmtplot_directive"
/ cwd.relative_to(env.app.srcdir)
# determine how to link to files in builddir from the RST file
# use os.path.relpath rather than relative_to!
builddir_link = Path("/", os.path.relpath(str(builddir), env.app.srcdir))
# copy script to builddir
builddir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Path(builddir, code_file.name).write_text(code, encoding="utf-8")
# make figures
image = render_figure(
code, code_basedir, self.options["language"], builddir, output_base
gmtplot_block = (
code=builddir_link / code_file.name,
image=builddir_link / image,
self.state_machine.insert_input(gmtplot_block, source=str(rst_file))
return []
[docs]def setup(app):
Add the gmtplot directive to the sphinx app.
setup.app = app
setup.config = app.config
setup.confdir = app.confdir
app.add_directive("gmtplot", GMTPlotDirective)
app.add_config_value("gmtplot_basedir", None, True)
app.add_config_value("gmtplot_show_code", True, True)
app.add_config_value("gmtplot_figure_align", "center", True)
metadata = {
"version": "0.1.0",
"parallel_read_safe": True,
"parallel_write_safe": True,
return metadata